About TRHT
We live in a world where the division due to war, politics, legislation, culture, and language is perpetuating a narrative that difference is a zero-sum game.
In reality, it is our unique differences and shared lived experiences that can foster a united society. Human beings are still dealing with the effects of a global pandemic, a country willing or unwilling to reconcile its historical truths, global economic uncertainty, and the intentional silencing of voices and stories through political and legislative mandates. The ability to connect people through our shared humanity is needed.
The TRHT Initiative at Emory will align and apply the TRHT framework in a co-creative and collaborative effort within our community and throughout the metro Atlanta area. Emory has begun the foundational work of truthtelling by examining its own racial history and legacy to move towards envisioning a One Emory for all.
National Commission for Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation
In 2021, Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Senator Cory Booker introduced legislation to establish the first United States Commission on Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation. The commission would examine the effects of slavery, institutional racism, and discrimination against people of color and how our history impacts laws and policies today.
Lee reintroduced the legislation in May 2023 with the acknowledgment that our history has had a derogatory impact on our present and will impact our future. “Every challenge we face today—from health disparities laid bare by the COVID-19 pandemic to economic inequality and poverty to environmental racism—can be traced back to 400 years of systemic, government-sanctioned racism. This history shows us that a truth commission is a moral imperative,” Lee said.
Click the link to watch the video on why the commission is needed. Read the full text of House Concurrent Resolution H.R. 100.
Gail Christopher, Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation: A Public Sentiment (article)
Gail Christopher, Prescription for Racial Healing (video)

Contact Us
For further information about the TRHT framework or to request a Racial Healing Circle:
Sharon Stroye, MBA, MPA
311C Administration Building
Emory University
201 Dowman Drive
Atlanta, GA 30322