Statement on Federal Guidelines Relation to Transgender Policies/Title IX

February 25, 2017

Dear Members of the Emory University,

Emory University is a community that strives every day to be welcoming to all. We acknowledge and embrace our community's individuality, regardless of race, color, religion, ethnic or national origin, gender, genetic information, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and veteran's status.

This week, the Trump administration announced that they are revoking federal guidelines that provide transgender students equal access to restrooms and other sex-segregated facilities in public schools. At Emory, we believe that each member of our community deserves to study, work, and live in accordance with their gender identity. Therefore, individuals at Emory may use restrooms and other sex-segregated facilities that correspond to their gender identity. Those who do not identify within gender binary (male or female) may determine the facility which is most appropriate and the safest option for them. You are not required at Emory to provide documentation of one's gender identity in order to have access to any facility that best corresponds to your gender identity.

There are various resources at Emory related to these issues. Please visit the Office of Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender Life website for other related resources or contact the Office of LGBTQ Life with questions or concerns.

If you are subject to bias, harassment, or discrimination, please contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion at Emory University. Emory supports our existing anti-discriminatory policies and corresponding state and national policies. You may find Emory's anti-discriminatory policies on the Equity and Inclusion website.

Best regards,

Stuart M. Zola
Interim Provost and Executive Vice President

Lynell Cadray
Vice Provost Office of Equity and Inclusion University Title IX Coordinator